UPSilon for on-line UPS  |Monitor Software for UPS

UPSilon for on-line UPS


CTR 4432

UPSilon 2000 UPS Software

for On-line UPS Series


UPS monitoring utility

Scheduled system shutdown

Graphic display of UPS status

Warning notification via e-mail and pager

Customized controls

User-definable warnings

Multi-language versions

User-friendly interface


UPSmart is a unique uninterruptible power supply (UPS) control software that offers you unprecedented convenience for the control of any UPS.

File Menu: 1.UPS Settings 2.Software Settings 3.Message Settings 4.E-mail Settings 5.Pager Settings 6.Save settings 7.Restore settings 8.Toolbar Settings

The Schedule Menu: 1.Special Settings 2.Weekly Settings

Analysis Menu: 1.View Log 2.View Data 3.Shutdown Status 4.Saving and Viewing History

Control Menu: 1.Shutdown System 2. Shutdown and Restore System 3. Cancel Shutdown 4.Test For Ten Seconds 5.Test Until Battery Low 6.Test For Special Time 7. Cancel Self-test

Select UPS Menu: 1. Auto-detect UPS 2. Select UPS

Remote UPS Menu: 1. Password Settings 2.Remote UPS 3.Client setup

Help Menu: Launch On-Line Help File


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UPSilon for on-line UPS